스터디 일정 & 커리큘럼 & 발표자료

진행 중 : PART I


회차 일시 내용 발표자 발표자료
1 4/28 (검색) 1. Introduction Elasticsearch 박혜웅
(로봇저널리즘) Introduction to Computational Journalism: Thinking Computationally 송치성
(인지신경언어학) 1. The Human Brain (1) 김무성 발표자료
(딥NLP) Recurrent Neural Network based Language Model, 2010 송영숙
2 5/12 (검색) 2. Diving into the functionality
(로봇저널리즘) Computational and Data Journalism
(인지신경언어학) 1. The Human Brain (2) 김무성
(딥NLP) Deep Neural Networks for Acoustic Modeling in Speech Recognition, 2012
Written on April 28, 2016